How teams use Wolfia
How teams use Wolfia to scale their expertise
Technical Sales: Freeing up your experts
Every growing company faces this challenge: your technical experts become the bottleneck. They’re pulled into countless sales calls, bombarded with repeat questions, and stuck explaining the same concepts over and over. We’ve seen this story play out countless times.
Take one of our customers, for example. Their CTO was spending most of their day answering basic technical questions instead of focusing on strategic initiatives. Sales teams were constantly waiting for responses, deals were moving slowly, and everyone was frustrated. After implementing Wolfia, everything changed. The sales team got instant answers to common questions, while the CTO could finally focus on what really mattered - complex architectural discussions and strategic planning. Not only did their deals move faster, but their experts were happier focusing on challenging problems rather than answering repetitive questions.
Sales Enablement: Knowledge that stays current
Let’s be honest - traditional sales documentation is always fighting a losing battle against time. Your product evolves daily, but your docs don’t. You end up with a growing library of outdated PDFs and wikis that new reps don’t trust and experienced reps ignore.
One customer perfectly illustrated this problem. Their product team was releasing features faster than their documentation could keep up. Sales reps were either sharing outdated information or constantly interrupting product managers for clarification. With Wolfia, they completely transformed this dynamic. Now, reps simply ask questions in Slack and get up-to-date answers that reflect how their top performers actually sell. The knowledge base updates itself naturally as experts answer questions about new features, and best practices spread organically throughout the team.
Expert Scaling: Multiply your best people
Traditionally, scaling expertise meant hiring more experts. But that approach is slow, expensive, and often impossible - after all, you can’t clone your best people. As companies grow, their experts become overwhelmed, leading to slower responses and inconsistent information.
A cybersecurity company we work with faced this exact challenge. Their senior architects were drowning in repetitive questions about security features and compliance standards, preventing them from focusing on critical architecture decisions. With Wolfia, they effectively “cloned” their expertise. Now their knowledge is instantly available to both sales teams and customers, while the architects can focus on the complex problems they actually enjoy solving. They’ve grown their sales team significantly without having to expand their technical expert headcount.
RFP Responses: From weeks to hours
RFPs shouldn’t be as painful as they are. Too many companies spend weeks having their most valuable people copy-paste answers from old RFPs into new ones. It’s not just time-consuming - it’s prone to errors and often results in inconsistent or outdated information.
One software company we work with had their product team spending days on each RFP, hunting through old responses and updating information. The process was so draining that they sometimes passed on RFPs altogether, missing potential opportunities. Now Wolfia handles most of the heavy lifting automatically. Their product team quickly reviews the outputs, makes occasional adjustments where needed, and spends their time on actual product development instead of document assembly.
Vendor Security Questionnaires: No more repetitive answers
Here’s an open secret: most vendor security questionnaires ask the same questions, just worded differently. Companies waste valuable time having security experts rephrase the same answers about security controls, compliance certifications, and data handling practices.
One customer was struggling with this as they moved upmarket. Their security team spent days each month copying answers between spreadsheets while deals waited for responses. After implementing Wolfia, their security team rarely needs to handle questionnaires - the system understands the various ways security controls can be questioned and responds appropriately. Their sales team now handles most security questionnaires independently, only escalating truly unique questions to the security team.
Building Customer Trust: Consistency is key
Building customer trust isn’t just about having good security - it’s about consistently demonstrating it. As companies grow, maintaining consistency in security communications becomes increasingly challenging. Different team members often give slightly different answers about security practices, creating confusion and eroding customer confidence.
A fintech company came to us with this exact problem. Their rapid growth had led to inconsistent security messaging across their organization. Sales reps, account managers, and security team members were all explaining security practices differently, sometimes even losing deals due to the confusion. Now they have one consistent, accurate voice for all security and compliance questions, available instantly whenever a customer asks. Their security team maintains control over the messaging while empowering the entire organization to confidently address security concerns.
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